Signs that your Child or Teenager Would Benefit From Mental Health Services Support?

The following checklist can help you assess if your child needs help, such as mental health services. If more than one sign is present or persists over a long period of time, it may indicate a more serious problem requiring professional help. Call 916-875-6069 toll-free at 1-888-881-4881

Here are some signs to look out for:

 • A lot of trouble concentrating or staying still, putting them in physical danger or causing school problems 

• Intense worries or fears that get in the way of daily activities 

• Sudden overwhelming fear without reason, sometimes with racing heart rate or fast breathing 

Child or Teenager
• Feels very sad or withdraws from others for two or more weeks, causing problems with daily activities 

• Extreme mood swings that cause problems in relationships 

• Drastic changes in behavior 

• Not eating, throwing up, or using laxatives to cause weight loss 

• Repeated use of alcohol or drugs 

• Severe, out-of-control behavior that can hurt self or others 

• Serious plans or tries to harm or kill self 

• Repeated fights, or use of a weapon, or serious plan to hurt others

You may contact your mental health plan access line at 916-875-1055 or managed care plan for a screening and assessment for your child or teenager if you think they are showing any of the signs of a mental health condition.