Many people have difficult times in life and may experience mental health conditions or emotional problems. The most important thing to remember is that help is available. If you or your family member are eligible for Medi-Cal and need mental health services, you should call your mental health plan access line at 916-875-1055, California Relay 711, or toll free 1-888-881-4881.
If you notice that you or a family member is experiencing significant or persistent distress, which is impacting your or their ability to manage daily life or feeling like you do not want to live, then call your mental health plan. Call 916-875-1055, California Relay 711, or toll free 1-888-881-4881 if you want help with one or more of the following symptoms:
• Too much worry or fear• Feeling too sad or low• Problems thinking: o Problems with focus, memory or logical thought and speech that are hard to explain• Extreme mood changes, including: o Feeling too good, on top of the world o Feeling too irritable or angry for too long• Avoiding friends and social activities• Problems with relationships to other people• Sleeping too much or too little• Eating too much or too little• Problems with hearing, seeing or sensing things that are hard to explain or that most people say don’t exist• Problems with using alcohol or drugs• Many physical problems without obvious causes, such as: o Headaches o Stomach aches• Thinking about suicide• Sudden or unusual change in functioning: or Cannot carry out usual daily activities, having problems with work, school, or familiar tasks• An intense fear of weight gain or concern with appearance